• Wählen Sie die Anzahl der Gäste
  • Hotelgäste
  • Kinder 3-12 anni
  • Kleinkinder 0-2 anni

Informationen für Gäste

Useful Info

  • Check in guaranteed from 2 PM
  • Check out within 11.30 AM
  • Welcome drink from 1 PM to 5 PM
  • Gym open from 7 AM to 10 PM
  • Pets are not allowed

Private Garage

Private garage on payment, with limited availability.

Reservation is required but not granted.

Please contact the hotel for availability.

Sanitized environments

  • All common areas are sanitized daily with ozone, a cleaning method, recognized as a natural aid for sterilizing rooms.
  • Our linen is sanitized with a bio-contamination process of the fabrics and delivered in closed and sealed packaging, thanks to our partner Lavanova, UNI EN 14065 certified which operates in compliance with the RABC Guidelines. (see the link)

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